About Me

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I was raised by my father (God rest his soul) in the valley of Nebraska. The background picture is of the Scottsbluff National Monument I took on a trip home... Thank Goodness I had Czech & German Grandmother's and Aunt's who taught me how to cook, sew and overall be the most giving person ever. The lady in this picture is my Aunty. She passed from Alzheimer's a few years ago. and was a huge influence on who I am and how I love. She and My Best Friend inspired this blog... I don't want anything to be forgotten!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Grandma paid change for her 60's VW bug

Grandma Margaret had always wanted a Volkswagon bug. She sold the fresh farm eggs, milk and cream to the local people. We would gather the eggs and she taught us all how to candle them.  Some of them went to the old incubator building where they raised their own chickens. Grandad had an old cream can sitting just inside the back door at the old farm house for her to collect her hard earned her change.  Back in the mid 60's a new VW beetle sold anywhere from $1700-2000 from what I can find.  I don't remember how long Grandma Margaret saved for her little bug, but one day Grandad Dale loaded up all the cream can's on the the back of his pick-up truck and drove Grandma to town.

Yes she paid "change" for her little Volkswagon.

Can you image what the dealership thought when they unloaded the cream can's that day?  I smile huge when I think of that image.  I remember that day she drove down the driveway and up to the old farm house in that car.  They were raised in the depression and were very frugal people.  She was so so very proud of that car.  This is the only picture I could find of her bug...

Many years later when we moved Grandad & Grandma from Bayard to Mitchell, Nebraska, we found full cream cans of change in their basement.  Old habits never go away but memories live on forever.

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