About Me

My photo
I was raised by my father (God rest his soul) in the valley of Nebraska. The background picture is of the Scottsbluff National Monument I took on a trip home... Thank Goodness I had Czech & German Grandmother's and Aunt's who taught me how to cook, sew and overall be the most giving person ever. The lady in this picture is my Aunty. She passed from Alzheimer's a few years ago. and was a huge influence on who I am and how I love. She and My Best Friend inspired this blog... I don't want anything to be forgotten!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

2011 Christmas Lights- Thank You Troops and Veterans!

As a Proud Army mom and having my family have a soldier fighting for our country every generation since the mid 1880's, I had to share... God Bless our troops.  Love them as much as they love us...

1 comment:

  1. Cheri,
    My place is personal, not business, and I was over the line. You were right to delete me from a business page. I'm sorry for not seeing that sooner, and for any problems.
