About Me

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I was raised by my father (God rest his soul) in the valley of Nebraska. The background picture is of the Scottsbluff National Monument I took on a trip home... Thank Goodness I had Czech & German Grandmother's and Aunt's who taught me how to cook, sew and overall be the most giving person ever. The lady in this picture is my Aunty. She passed from Alzheimer's a few years ago. and was a huge influence on who I am and how I love. She and My Best Friend inspired this blog... I don't want anything to be forgotten!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Diva's Apple History & how to choose your Apple Guide

Apples have always been eaten fresh, dried, stewed, baked or fried in a variety of dishes.  Apples can be turned into apple butter, apple sauce and cider & vinegar.  They not only provide a vital source of food and drink, but also preserve for food and supplies, just like our pioneer ancestor' did.  Apples can be used medicinally as anesthetics, antiseptics, and sedatives and stimulants.

History shows the first colonists to bring apple seeds from Europe to New England.  From there, apples spread across the North American continent.  Thousands of varieties were developed in different regions of the country and the world.  

Here are some interesting tidbits about how our ancestors knew to use apples:

  • An apple in your bag of potatoes will help to keep the potatoes from sprouting.

  • An apple in your brown sugar container will help keep the sugar moist.

  • An apple in your cookie container will help to keep the cookies moist.

  • Add lemon juice to an apple recipe if the apples you are using lack tartness or need flavor.

  • If you can't brush your teeth after a meal, eat an apple.  Eating a raw apple will cleanse the mouth of more that 95% of bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Maybe an apple day does keep the doctor away?  Both of my Grandma's had Apple Tree's in their yard's so they were always plentiful for eating and cooking.  My Grandma Margret kept them stored in a room we always slept in when we would come to visit.  What an awesome memory when I smell apples.  My Grandma Sarah also had crab apples and made the most incredible jelly.  She passed away at the ripe ole age of 85 and 2 weeks before she passed, she was found up in her crab apple tree picking them.  I will share my recipe soon of her jelly, it is delicious!

Nebraska where i grew up, is known greatly for Arbor Day and having awesome apples

Here is an apple guide on how to choose your APPLES, and I don't mean a computer:)

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